
    民族志电影实践工作坊/Workshop: Ethnographic Film Practice

  • 作品/WORKS

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    Grandma’s World

    Ka Xiong | Laos

    来自老挝琅勃拉邦的拍摄者Ka Xiong,以纪录片《祖母的世界》记录了祖母的生活、盼望和记忆,并为我们展示了老挝北部山区苗族社区的一个文化侧影。


    “This film will be an homage to our grandma who meant so much in our lives. We want to arrest time and make a small portrait of her now she is still with us and able to talk.The film is also a memento for the Hmong way of life that has stayed unchanged for many generation but is disappearing now.”—Ka Xiong

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    Memories of childhood

    Maer Lanq |China



    Remembering Childhood is attempts to explore the relationship between Ahka people’s childhood and traditional Ahka culture at 1980s. It is also about the memories that the Ahka painter Maer Lanq wants to keep.

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    But…Life Goes on

    Nang Mhwe Ngin Seng Myanmar




    In order to control the influence of the second wave of covid-19, Yangon, Myanmar's largest city, began to restrict urban traffic and public access. Nang Mhwe Ngin Seng, a filmmaker from Shan state, focuses on her life with her roommates during the blockade in Yangon….

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    Nontawat Numbenchapol




    This documentary is about a Young Monk from Shan state of Myanmar who has been living in Thailand for more than six or seven years. Being a monk makes his life easier. But he doesn’t know if he is going to be a monk his whole life…

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    Zomia’s song

    Santiphap Inkong-ngam Thailand



    Santiphap Inkong-ngam, a video and installation artist from northern Thailand, Since 2012 until now, he has been conducting ethnic cultural research and collected many videos and music in the vast mountainous areas of northern Thailand which is subsumed in the Zomia area by scholars…

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    Wife From Laos

    I Han Phap | China



    Cross border marriage has been widely existed in many frontier villages in Xishuangbanna. Yu Han, the wife of filmmaker I Han Phap’s elder cousin is a girl from Laos who married in Xishuangbanna. Thus I Han Phap made a documentary and try to understand her living conditions and inner thoughts.

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    Inherit the Ah Chi Mu Gua on Wheelchair

    SI K Za | China



    In the film, a group of Lisu folk musicians spent 10 years only to bring the most authentic Ah Chi Mu Gua back to life, and hand it back to the people. When the work is done, the crew returned to their homes with nothing but debts...

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    Mountain Farm

    Zaw Lar | Myanmar

    另一位傈僳族拍摄者,Zaw Lar,来自缅甸北部紧邻中国的克钦邦。尽管《山农》是他的第一部纪录片,但影片具有很高的完成度,并展示出了作者的个人风格。影片记录了四季变迁之下,傈僳族在边境山地的耕种方式。这部影片超越了关于山地农业的田园式宏观书写,恰到好处地表达了作者对个体命运的思考与关怀。


    LISU's ethnic traditional cultural work for a living is Mountain Farming. Mountain Farming still exists even in this globalization era. But now a day, LISU farmers are facing difficulties getting a new land for Mountain Farming…


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    Cross the Forest of Isolation

    —Introduction of Lancang-Mekong Vision 2020 Documentaries

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    Ka Xiong:这部影片将向我们的祖母致敬

    Ka Xiong: This film will be a homage to our grandma

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    Jupiter:It is a milestone for a young woman

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    Maer Lanq: The animated documentary is the collective memory of a generation of Akha people

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    I Han Phap: Documentary is the carrier of time and culture

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    SI K Za: Making documentaries is not in pursuit of personal desires

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